Animal Magic

Orca Animal Spirit Guide Wisdom

Orcas are beautiful, powerful, and intelligent creates who symbolize harmony, evolution, and duality. These concepts are important for us to embody at this time. For this reason, Orca came through to speak with us and share it's wisdom, messages, healing, and medicine.

Come join in and learn more about what Orca has to share, including:

🐳The balance between work and play ✨

🐳Learning to be your true self, and learn who that is ✨

🐳Finding complements instead of opposites in relationships, including twin flames and soulmates ✨

And much more!

I hope you enjoy, and don't forget that you can work directly with the orcas for the new moon, or any time you would like! For lightworkers, earth angels, empaths, and starseeds - or any one who enjoys marine vibes!

Want to connect more deeply with Orca or your own spirit guides? Learn how to easily connect with your spirit guides here. Or read more about spirit guides at the blog here!

And if you would like to learn more about twin flames and twin flame reunions, check out more posts here!

Your Wishes Are Granted, Lion's Gate Portal 2023 Guided Meditation & Ceremony

The Lion's Gate Portal has been open for about a week, but is at it's peak today 8/8! It will continue to stay open for the next week or so.

This is an important portal to ask, not only for abundance in any and all areas of your life, but also for transformation in your life. Why?

Because this year's 8/8 portal has a personal day number of 5, the number of freedom and transformation! So any intentions you set regarding transformation will be extra potent!

Come set intentions with me for Lion's Gate where we will discuss the Sirius Star system, receive Lion's Gate transmissions, pull oracle cards, and travel to a sacred jungle to set intentions and receive light code activations with a Sirian emissary.

How to Manifest During Lions Gate 2021

How to Manifest During Lions Gate 2021

The lion's gate portal is a potent time every year. But it is especially so in this year of 2021, when we have our Leo new moon, in addition to the already powerful alignment of fixed Star Sirius with Orion's belt and our Sun - all falling on the 8th day of the 8th month.

Knowing all of that, it makes sense that many people want to understand how to manifest during lions gate 2021. With the energies so potent and heightened at this time, we certainly wouldn’t want to miss out on all of the potential lions gate 2021 can bring into our lives!

Often when we are manifesting, lions gate portal or not, we easily find ourselves falling into traps that keep our desires from materializing…

Everything You Need to Know About the Lion's Gate Portal August 8

Everything You Need to Know About the Lion's Gate Portal August 8

These two energies of relaxation from the Sun, and wanting to act from Sirius, are often opposing energies. But because Sirius and the Sun are aligned during this pivotal time of the lion's gate portal, instead of these energies opposing each other, they flow into each other and blend together in a beautiful synergy that is potent for manifesting our desires.

Lion's Gate Portal Activation & Channeled Message for August 8 / 8 2021

Lion's Gate Portal Activation & Channeled Message for August 8 / 8 2021

In fact, after exploring the energetic potentials of this time period and harnessing them for myself, I now see this time as a potent blessing. A time of the year we can rely on when we can reset and re-envision our goals. An annual gift from the universe when the energy is ripe for manifesting our desires.

If you'd like to harness the energies of the lion's gate portal for yourself and your own manifestations I…

Why You Aren't Self-Motivated

From a very young age, we are told what to learn, what to do, where to sit, and how to behave. Once we start school, we are subjected to the rules of others for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. If we step outside of any lines, we get punished for being disruptive, disobedient, and misbehaving. What effect does being told what to do constantly, bring? We never learn how to be self-motivated!…

Studying the Shapeshifter, Wolf Medicine, Magic & Activation

Wolves hold powerful wisdom, so it is no surprise that many of us feel so connected to them. Today we connect to the shapeshifting aspect of them, the one of the deceiver. In unraveling the medicine, magic and messages of this trait, we will activate within ourselves a deeper wisdom and freedom for our own lives. We will