Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

In 9th grade, my humanities teacher had us read Plato's Allegory of the Cave. At the time, I couldn't understand why some of the cave dwellers didn't want to go out into the light. Why they didn't want to try something new to experience a better life for themselves. But I understand now, because it's exactly what I do.

I play it safe and stay in my cave. More likely than not, you do it too in some area of your life. We grow up in a society where our dreams and imagination are shut down at an early age, and we are asked to take our heads out of the clouds and focus on something practical or realistic. Where we are trained into an 8 hour school day, to be ready for an 8 hour work day.

Despite our dreams being stifled, they never die. They sit within us, embers needing a little kindling to burn back up again. But we are so ingrained in this system that leaving it for our dreams doesn't feel safe. The fear of losing something we don't want, is greater than gaining our wildest dreams. We haven't experienced better, so we don't know better. And out of the light, and in the cave we stay.

We make excuses for why we need to stay in our cave. What was once a cage created by society, now becomes a cage created by our own self.

So I ask you, what excuses are you making for not following your dreams?

  • I have bills to pay

  • Mouths to feed

  • People who rely on me

  • It would complicate my life

  • I don't have the time

  • I'm scared to start

These are all valid and worthy reasons. But what if we could make those reasons go away? What if you could create the life of your dreams, and do it in a way that feels safe?

How? Through the law of attraction and mindset shifts. Through using logic to shift your thinking on each of the limitations you believe exist. And in doing that, you will see these limitations disappear as you shift into versions of reality that don't contain them.

Everything you want is a thought away. If you would like help shifting your mindset so you can achieve your dreams, book a manifestation coaching session with me here.