
Lion's Gate Portal August 8 - What to Do & Ceremony

Lion's Gate Portal August 8 - What to Do & Ceremony

The Lion's Gate Portal is a pivotal time for manifesting the desires you have on your heart. With the sun and sirius stars in alignment, it is a time when the energies are ripe for your manifestation success. Not sure what to do to make the most of the August 8 lionโ€™s gate portal? Here is an easy, but very potent ritual and ceremony you can do to harness the lion's gate portal energy in your own life!

Lion's Gate Portal Activation & Channeled Message for August 8 / 8 2021

Lion's Gate Portal Activation & Channeled Message for August 8 / 8 2021

In fact, after exploring the energetic potentials of this time period and harnessing them for myself, I now see this time as a potent blessing. A time of the year we can rely on when we can reset and re-envision our goals. An annual gift from the universe when the energy is ripe for manifesting our desires.

If you'd like to harness the energies of the lion's gate portal for yourself and your own manifestations Iโ€ฆ

Studying the Shapeshifter, Wolf Medicine, Magic & Activation

Wolves hold powerful wisdom, so it is no surprise that many of us feel so connected to them. Today we connect to the shapeshifting aspect of them, the one of the deceiver. In unraveling the medicine, magic and messages of this trait, we will activate within ourselves a deeper wisdom and freedom for our own lives. We will

How to Stop Attracting Unavailable Partners

How to Stop Attracting Unavailable Partners

Today's society of instant gratification spares no one, and nothing. That includes the dating world. As a result, its no surprise we keep meeting unavailable partner, after unavailable partner. This used to happen to me too - until I figured out how to fix it. It all started within. Here's how I did it, so you can find your true love too.