Why You Can't Find Your Purpose or Stick With!

Why You Can't Find Your Purpose or Stick With!

I can't tell you the number of times I've - FINALLY DISCOVERED - my passion or purpose, only for my interest to fizzle out a few months later. Fortunately, the days of going back and forth on what my passions are, are long gone for me now. Here’s what I came to realize that helped me find, and stick with, my passion!

Build Your Abundance Hologram

Build Your Abundance Hologram

To become masters of our reality, we must understand the rules of that reality. And the reality is, behind the veil, our universe operates like a hologram. If you have a piece of the image, the rest of the image can be filled in. Every piece contains the whole within itself, and the whole is made up of all the pieces. Here’s how to use this knowledge to bring more abundance into our life.