Focus on your love languages this Aquarius / Capricorn Full Moon!

The astrological transits at this time are making it more challenging for intimate relationships.
Hubby and I had a breakthrough today and realized we haven't fully understood each other's love languages or been applying them not just in easy times, but in tough situations too.
If you're experiencing fights or tension in your relationships, reconnect with your partner and brush up on your love languages together!
What do you think of my coffee art bear 🙂
By the way, I'm available for private readings if you're in need of guidance, visit my etsy shop here.

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Are you over giving, without receiving?

Today water says, "Every day I give and don't receive much back. People share joy on my beaches, but not with me. They take food from my oceans but do not care for my waters. They spill oil, over hunt my fish and whales, and do not take accountability.

Sometimes my exhaustion at keeping up with the efforts to maintain my ecosystem turns into rage. In those moments, I take instead of give. And then I am vilified for it.

I do not want this for you. When you heal this in you, I may heal this in me."

Water wants us to reflect (no pun intended) on how we may be over giving in our own lives. Forgetting to take, forgetting to maintain balance not only within ourselves, but also in our relationships with people, situations, places.

How is giving but not receiving affecting us? Do we allow our exhaustion to turn to rage before we finally allow ourselves to take? Is this method of expression sustainable, does it actually bring us joy? Or does that frustration that gets us to finally take, beget more frustration.

If you find yourself living in this cycle in an area of your life, it is time to address it. Not by looking at those who are exploiting us or taking us for granted. But rather by taking a hard look at ourselves.

How could we be valuing ourselves more? And how can we start communicating our needs from a place of power, instead of a place of desperation?

Answers to these questions will awaken areas where you know you are worthy, but have forgotten for a moment. When you reunite with your self worth, you will set your boundaries firmly, but with more peace in your heart.

If you enjoyed this message and are a lightworker looking to awaken your own divine purpose, message, and gifts, come learn more about how you can receive spiritual activations that will do just that here.

Image by Ivan Tamas on Pixabay

Ivan Tamas on Pixabay

If you are questioning your life, here's what to do

You are not the only one that doesn't know what they are doing. The energy is murky and unclear these days. As a result it can be hard to see the path ahead, let alone just one step. Keep moving forward anyways. It is just a haze, and if you keep going, you will find that you were headed the right way all along.

This is a time where we may be questioning our choices, our path, if we have been going in the right direction to begin with. Why did we choose this path? Was it for the right reasons?

Yesterday, people may have been inclined to tell you what to do. To give you their unsolicited guidance whether you wanted to hear it or not. You may have been the one giving guidance to another as well.

But today, no one is guiding anyone because everyone is just as lost. So know that you are not alone. Know that clarity will come. Just not right now. It comes on the other side of the haze. But to get there, you must keep going.

Do this, and you will find clarity in about 3 days. The fog will fade and part away. And answers you never received with such clarity will be waiting for you. And you will be ready to see them.

When it rains, it can be hard to see through the windshield as we drive. But once the rain starts to dry and the dust has settle and washed away, we can see clearer than ever before.

Keep going and wait it out, because that is what is on the other side for you if you do.

For awakening lightworkers wanting to know their divine mission, purpose, and gifts, learn how you can receive your next spiritual activation here.

To Book A personal psychic tarot reading, click here.

Image by Pezibear on Pixabay

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It's Time to Shed Old Skin

It's Time to Shed Old Skin

✨If you want the best of everything, you can absolutely have the best of everything.

✨Depending on how life is going for you at this time, that may just feel like kind words with little meaning or truth. Or like a reality that is out of reach, or out of touch with your own.

✨If you have been trying to achieve your heart's desires, but seem to have hit a wall, you may feel like giving up. You may feel like you are not good enough, your process doesn't work, or you just weren't meant for your desires after all. That fate does indeed exist. That you have no creative potential or power.

✨But none of those beliefs or thoughts would be true. And you would know that in your heart, because you would feel terrible each time you thought them.

✨Achieving our dreams, goals, receiving our manifestations - it's not just about having the perfect plan, taking the right actions, or thinking positively. It is also about…

Bringing Order to Chaos For the Greater Good

🍃We are in a time of great chaos. Things that used to make sense, or at least had an "order" to them, no longer seem to. Chaos brings to our minds many questions in our need to seek to understand so that we can bring new order.
🌱The thing to remember is, chaos is just as much a part of our nature as order is. Nature herself is messy, yet there is order. Plants often grow towards the sunlight. Yet they can still grow every which way. As within, so without.
🌿How do we find order by embracing chaos? Can that even be done? Can chaos and order exist simultaneously? Absolutely. When we go with the flow, we travel towards our own version of sunlight. We travel to our happiness. It may seem messy, like chaos. But following our sunlight, our joy, going with that flow as often as possible, is the order that honors chaos and brings the best of both forces for our greater good.
🌺Have you been going with the flow? Or have you been pushing against and trying to control?
🌼What is one area of your life you have been forcing things, and what is one thing you can do to go with the flow in that area so that you will be led to the best and most joyous outcome?
🌹These are powerful questions, that can lead to powerful actions, that will lead to powerful results. This is the homework for today, don't skimp on it :)
🌻I offer personalized psychic, clairvoyant, and card (tarot, oracle, kipper, lenormand) readings. If you are in need of guidance, book your private psychic or tarot reading here.

📸Image by brands amon on Pixabay

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Staying Connected to Your True North Amidst the Chaos

Message for the collective:

💙There is a lot going on in the external world right now. Whether you are focused on the world around you, or the world at large.


✨ Make sure you are taking time to connect to yourself, at least every other day. This is a time when everyone will want to tell you what you SHOULD be doing, based on their own moral system. People who are not at their best spiritually feel compelled to sway others to their own views, instead of honoring others as they are and the individual journeys we are each on.


💎If you forget to connect to yourself at this time, it will be more challenging to know what is what and to hear direction from your own heart. It is ok to be swayed this way and that. There is growth and good in all things.


⚡But if you want to be the rock that you are, understand the energy of the times: chaotic. Connect with yourself so you stay strong in your center. And you will know your true north in most moments, and you can rise out of the chaos in your true power.


🌠You got this.


⭐I'm available for personal psychic, clairvoyant, tarot, oracle, lenormand, and kipper readings. Book through my etsy shop here.


Image by Adam1762 on Pixabay


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Collective Message for this Weekend

With the recent eclipse, the energies have been intense this week so don't forget to take some me-time this weekend.

Sit in and with your own energy, reignite your inner power. Some of that power likely got scattered to the winds this past week. It's time to center and ground it back in.

Don't let the thoughts and beliefs of others impact or sway you, unless they are ones that support you. You get to choose what beliefs you take on! Be the rock you are!

If you would like a personal reading, send me a DM or book on my Psychic TS Clairvoyant and Tarot Readings Etsy page here ❤

Image by: 0fjd125gk87 on Pixabay

Thinking Positively & Being Happy is Our Birth Right, Law of Attraction, Channeled Material / Messages on Manifestation

Thinking Positively & Being Happy is Our Birth Right, Law of Attraction, Channeled Material / Messages on Manifestation

It can be both fun and exciting, and also sometimes incredibly frustrating, to be here living on Earth. We have this beautiful connection to the divine that we can feel and that we can experience. And yet sometimes that connection feels so hazy and foggy. Or it feels clear, but the results that come from it seem hazy and foggy.

We live with this interesting concept of time. Where we receive guidance from the divine in real time. Anytime we ask, anytime we seek. But the results of said guidance are often delayed because of the physical realm an…