Understanding Emotions

How to Stop Attracting Unavailable Partners

How to Stop Attracting Unavailable Partners

Today's society of instant gratification spares no one, and nothing. That includes the dating world. As a result, its no surprise we keep meeting unavailable partner, after unavailable partner. This used to happen to me too - until I figured out how to fix it. It all started within. Here's how I did it, so you can find your true love too.

How to Deal with Difficult People

How to Deal with Difficult People

"No matter what you do, you will never be good enough." This is the mentality of one of my customers. No matter how hard you try, he cannot be pleased. And so I was faced with this question last week: how do I work with someone who can't be reasoned with? It turns out, his attitude was the key.

Trying to break a glass ceiling? It's time to go counter-intuitive

Trying to break a glass ceiling? It's time to go counter-intuitive

If you’ve been struggling to break through a glass ceiling in your business, it’s time to try something different than what you’ve been doing. It’s time to stop fighting with your circumstance, try something different and go BIG. Here’s how!